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 Select from the list below to view and download specific Benefit Summary Sheets.

Burbank City Employees' Association (BCEA)

  • BCEA Full-time employees

  • BCEA Part-time employees (30-39 hours per week)

  • BCEA Part-time employees (20-29 hours per week)

  • BCEA Part-time employees (5-19 hours per week)

  • BCEA Part-time employees (1-4 hours per week)

Burbank Management Association (BMA)

  • BMA Full-time employees

  • BMA Part-time employees (20-29 hours per week)

 Burbank Fire Fighters (BFF)

 Burbank Fire Fighter - Chief Officers' Unit (BFF-COU)

 Burbank Police Officers' Association (BPOA)

 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)

 City Council

 City Treasurer/City Clerk

 Crossing Guard, Messenger Bill Deliverer, and Library Page


 Fire Chief

 Police Captain

 Police Chief

 U Group (Police and Firefighters Recruits)

 Z Group (Unrepresented Mid-Managers)